Building trust is crucial for content marketing

November 21, 2016 by Aimee

Content marketing strategies can be complicated at the best of times. There are multiple considerations when it comes to the actual content and the various places it can be shared. Another point that marketers must think about is gaining consumer trust. Without it, engagement is likely to be reduced and strategies, therefore, will be doomed to fail.

For anyone who has ever had to sit down and write a university thesis or college paper, a critical element is citing sources. These validate any data used and, as a result, gain the trust of readers. When it comes to the Internet, gaining people’s trust is even more important as there are countless exaggerations and lies that can be passed off as fact. Becoming a trusted and respected influencer should be the goal of businesses, especially those wanting to be successful with content marketing campaigns.

There are a variety of ways for brands to increase their reliability and trustworthiness in the eyes of the consumer. While there are many things that will always be out of a strategist’s control, plenty of tactics remain.

Create a schedule

One of the most important things for content marketing is consistency. Therefore, it is extremely important to develop a posting schedule, curate content well in advance, and then stick to the plan. By doing this, current readers and potential fans can enjoy a steady stream of posts that not only provide information, but project a firm’s branding. And, every time a schedule is adhered to, consumer expectations are met and a company’s reputation enjoys a little boost.

Utilise sources for data

As mentioned, it is very important to ensure that your information, especially statistics, is correct. The world, especially in the modern era, demands proof – so brands need to back up any figures with links to statistics. This helps to create a good culture of only utilising credible sources. And, if data has come from an ambiguous place, it’s best to try and find a trustworthy site to cross check.

High-quality content is key

There used to be a time when quantity over quality worked, but not anymore. Brands must be sure they’re crafting high-quality material that has no grammatical or spelling errors. In addition, readers must be able to gain something from content, whether it’s an answer to their problem or valuable information that enriches their lives. If content doesn’t make the grade or has the potential to damage a firm’s reputation, never publish it.

Branding voice remains important

Finally, it is extremely important for brands to develop a voice and then stick to it. Of course, over time a company’s voice is likely to evolve and change as they become more aligned and comfortable with the content they’re offering. However, having a guideline for content is important, both in the language that’s used and the actual structure of content itself.

Gaining someone’s trust can be an extremely powerful asset when it comes to business. It not only builds a relationship with a consumer, but it may also make them more likely to share positive word-of-mouth feedback about a brand too. It is, therefore, a crucial element that must not be missed.
